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Amy Shackleton – Painting Timelapse
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Amy Shackleton – Painting Timelapse

Amy works entirely without a paintbrush. Watch the artist work at 800x speed, creating a new urban landscape painting, “Terraced City.”

At only 25, Toronto-based artist Amy Shackleton has exhibited paintings in New York, London, Toronto, Montreal and Calgary. Shackleton’s work was recently selected for purchase by the Colart Collection in Montreal. Shackleton received her BFA Honours Degree from York University. She paints full time from her new studio space in Toronto.

Incredible Brushless Paintings by Amy Shackleton video painting art

Incredible Brushless Paintings by Amy Shackleton video painting art

Incredible Brushless Paintings by Amy Shackleton video painting art

Incredible Brushless Paintings by Amy Shackleton video painting art


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