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Futuristic Android Bracelet | Cicret
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Futuristic Android Bracelet | Cicret

Although the first prototype isn’t yet ready, as the developers are still raising funds, the Cicret bracelet promises great things.


Wearable technology is becoming big, and Cicret aims to go even further than existing technologies. As you can see in the video below, the device is a bracelet which uses proximity sensors and projects an Android interface onto your skin, allowing you to use your phone in situations where holding the device would be inconvenient or impossible.


It remains to be seen if the bracelet will deliver on its promises, but it would certainly be cool if it did.


Futuristic Android Bracelet Feel desain Cicret1 Futuristic Android Bracelet Feel desain Cicret2 Futuristic Android Bracelet Feel desain Cicret3 Futuristic Android Bracelet Feel desain Cicret4 Futuristic Android Bracelet Feel desain Cicret5 Futuristic Android Bracelet Feel desain Cicret6

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