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Clássicos Animados | Artplan for the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra
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Clássicos Animados | Artplan for the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra

Some things are easier to promote than others – getting kids to want candy is easy, getting kids to enjoy classical music, not so much. The Brazilian Symphony Orchestra had noticed that their audience was made up mostly of the over-65s, and wanted to get the new generation into the sounds of classical music. Along with agency Artplan, they came up with Clássicos Animadosan application which shows children that they already enjoy classical music, they just have never noticed it before. The Orchestra worked with the largest Brazilian kids’ channel, recording the entire soundtrack of Popeye episodes so that children can sync their TV to an app, and watch Popeye and appreciate the orchestra at the same time. Through the app, kids can explore all the instruments, and even find out about upcoming concerts. Watch the video below.

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