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Fictional Architecture

Fictional Architecture by Filip Dujardin


Filip Dujardin is an architectural photographer based in the Belgian city of Ghent. For his personal photography project titled”Fictions”, Dujardin creates images of fictional architecture. These hyperrealistic photo collages of wild and impossible buildings and structures are constructed using digital technology.

What I really love about his images is their child-like imagination and subtlety – most of them look perfectly real at first, some require a double-take, and all of them reveal their absurdity upon closer inspection.



Dujardin revealed he maintained an extensive digital library of building materials, as some of his images combine up to 150 different elements in a single frame. He also pays close attention to shadows in his work. “The building becomes real if the shadows are well done.”

Ahh, wouldn’t it be nice to create real building and interiors using nothing other than a bit of cunning Phothoshop action, with a few killer shadows thrown in the mix of course. One day…


[Images courtesy of Filip Dujardin.]

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