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Foster + Partners Presents New Apple Store in Milan
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Foster + Partners Presents New Apple Store in Milan

Developed by Foster + Partners, the new Apple Store in Milan introduces a different retail model unique to its other locations around the world.

Located at the heart of the city center, Foster + Partners’ response is a reference to the original architectural solution of a piazza. The project will not only introduce Apple to the city, but will also transform its surrounding public space.

The retail area will be discovered underground, while above, an open amphitheater will represent a public space of ideas — permanently open as a lively place of socialization and gathering. As well as an elevator located at plaza level, a large glass screen will mark the entrance into the below-grade store.


‘There’s no better expression of our vision for apple stores serving as modern-day gathering places than apple piazza liberty,’ says Angela Ahrendts, Apple’s senior vice president of retail. ‘In a city with such rich history of art, entertainment and creativity, it’s an honor to establish a space where anyone can be inspired to learn, create and connect with their neighbors.’

To see more projects The Apple Store At Orchard Road Singapore.

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