A short film series about that moment when you emerge from the Paris subway and find yourself in a new and sometimes unexpected world. This series has been shown all over the world and was recently featured in a full page write-up in the The Atlantic. The Sub City series explores the wonder in the humble experience of exiting the subway through dreamy slow motion and elegant steadicam cinematography. – The Atlantic
“Three years ago in Paris I got out of a “metro” train at La Concorde, and saw suddenly a beautiful face… I could not find any words that seemed to me worthy, or as lovely as that sudden emotion.” – Ezra Pound
This is the continuation of a series that explores that moment of uncertainty and magic that happens when you emerge from the depths of the subway system
A film by Sarah Klein and Tom Mason
Concept by Jennifer McClory
Locations by Yoann Casals
Music by Duke Ellington
Finishing effects by tracevfx.com
Special thanks to Anne Labro
© Redglass Pictures 2011, redglasspictures.com