Tag: artista



French sculptor Edouard Martinet uses myriad discarded parts from old bicycles, cars, and mopeds to create these astonishingly anatomically correct representations of sea life, birds, amphibians, and insects. Shrimp. Thorax and head: car mascot and tongs; antennae: radio antennae; abdomen:...

My Little Project

My Little Project

My Little Project by artist Slinkachu. He will be exhibiting at Concrete at Ocean Andipa Gallery in London from March 3 to April 2. OTHER SIMILAR POST:Small People in a Big World OTHER SIMILAR POST:Small People in a Big World...

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

It’s safe to say that Liu Bolin is a modern-day magician. In 2007, his advanced camouflage art exploded onto the art scene as we were all left speechless, scratching our heads at how body paint could seamlessly blend a person...

See – Saw

Fantastico lavoro dell’artista portoghese Filipe dos Santos. Dipinge sul quaderno, specchia i colori sull’altra pagina e poi ci disegna sopra creando una storia! Geniale! ——————————————————————————————————————– Fantastic work  of Portuguese artist Filipe dos Santos. Painted on the notebook, flip the colors...

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