Tag: Buy



Ulo is a security camera shaped like a little owl, designed by the young French designer Vivien Muller and launched through a Kickstarter‘s campaign. The inspiration is in the nature, and she also nourish a passion for geometry, origami, and designing unique intersections...

Aknitomy | Emily Stoneking

Aknitomy | Emily Stoneking

If you ever had to do dissection in your school science classes, you’ll know that it’s not always the most pleasant experience, but Emily Stoneking is trying to make studying animals’ insides that little bit…cuddlier. She picks up her knitting...

Buy Fonts Save Lives

Buy Fonts Save Lives

BUYFONTSSAVELIVES will sell typefaces to raise money to support Cancer Research UK and Macmillan Cancer Support. All proceeds go to the charities. The fund-raising project was inspired by Harpin’s niece Laura, who sadly died aged just 26. Paul created a new typeface family to sell...

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