Familiar Faces
Celebrity photo series by the photographer Matt Hoyle
Celebrity photo series by the photographer Matt Hoyle
Take a look at these beautiful images of real life celebrities as Russian generals. ‘George Dawe was an English portrait artist who painted 329 portraits of Russian generals active during Napoleon’s invasion of Russia for the Military Gallery of the...
Today we want to blow your mind with the following experiment. Let’s imagine that now is the Renaissance. How would look celebrities in the Renaissance? Artists from creative website have tried “to catch the moment” and show us famous paintings...
An amaizing series of celebrities portraits of around as Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Brad Pitt, or Marc Jacobs Jay-Z. Everything was shot by photographer Martin Schoeller, after years as an assistant to the famous photographer Annie Liebovitz.
Dubai-based graphic designer Ali Jabbar made these stunning minimalist illustrations of famous people.
Un’icona di stile, ma è banale affermarlo. Una donna meravigliosa e questo è palese. Un’artista coraggiosa nella sua dolcezza e questo forse non molti lo sanno. La vita di Edda Kathleen Van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston, meglio conosciuta come Audrey Hepburn,...
STOYN Ice Cream is an unique design experiment that brought together 10 of the most iconic figures in world culture and embodied their images into ice cream. Worldwide superheroes – Vladimir Mayakovsky, Darth Vader, Ernesto Che Guevara, Donald Duck, Marilyn...
The following post will show that a picture is really worth a thousand of words. Using only words and numbers 40-year-old Spanish artist, graphic designer and illustrator Juan Osborne created a series of celebrity’s portraits. Composing famous quotes, song lyrics...
Patrick Fraser Photography