Tag: human

Ghostly Apparitions

Ghostly Apparitions

The talented photographer and artist, Andrew Lyman, has provided us with a new way to explore feelings and reality with his “Fleeted Happenings series“.The pictures feature ghostly apparitions appearing in beautiful landscapes and settings that evoke feelings of curiosity and...

Castellers | Video

Castellers | Video

In the city of Tarragona, Spain, castellers gather every two years to see who can build the highest, most intricate human castles. This uniquely Catalan tradition requires astonishing strength, finesse, and balance. Not to mention courage.



Two glass carafes shaping a human heart when joined together. The heart is a reminder for the generally underestimated but essential role health plays in our lives. In order to prevent cardiovascular and blood pressure diseases we have to start...

Underwater Series

Discovered of Erin Mulvehill: a New Yorker photographer who succeeds, thanks to his stereotypes “Underwater”, to explore the human reports/ratios. This series of photographs to environment envoutante and strange, is to be discovered in the continuation of the article. Erin Mulvehill

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