Tag: iPhone 3gs

LEGO Movie Maker App

LEGO Movie Maker App

Adding another mobile app to its creations, LEGO has released a mobile app that lets you create mini movies based on the toy. The LEGO Group worked with San Francisco-based agency Pereira & O’Dell to develop the concept, and deign the iPhone app, ‘LEGO Super...

iBamboo Speaker

iBamboo Speaker

Bamboo is a natural speaker made from a single natural material, bamboo. The natural resonance of the bamboo amplifies the sound produced by the built-in speaker in the iPhone 4/4S. iBamboo is very easy to make, and requires only a...

iPad Moleskine

Moleskine ha messo in commercio delle custodie per iPad e iPhone che ricordano i mitici taccuini da viaggio. Per chi ha sempre sognato di rivivere i viaggi come Hemingway o Bruce Chatwin, prendendo appunti su un Moleskine, adesso potrà anche farlo...

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