Tag: michael jackson

Portraits Made of Computer Keys

Portraits Made of Computer Keys

Australian artist Guy Whitby, aka WorkByKnight (WBK), draws inspiration from the global transition into the digital era for his unconventionally pixelated portraits. The artist recreates the image of influential celebrities, musicians, and political figures by atypically assembling varied buttons found...

Celebrity Camera Club

Celebrity Camera Club

Famous folk taking photos Celebrity Camera Club  is an exclusive club for photography lovers who collected hundreds shots of celebrities taking pictures with  their favorite photo cameras. This Amazing photogallery containing pictures of cinema’s legends as Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn,...

Vinyl Music Icons

Vinyl Music Icons

Talanted designer and illustrator based in Madrid, Spain, Alejandro de Antonio Fernández is the creator of this incredible collection of vinyl-inspired pop art for the UNCO_MA Project presented by Art Room. De Antonio was inspired by vinyl records and illustrated...

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