Tag: slow motion

Pedigree: Catch

Pedigree: Catch

Director Bob Purman used a Phantom camera at 1,000 fps to capture these expressive canines in action. The director was initially charged with shooting two spots, a “Catch” and a “Jump” execution. The director says: “The ‘Catch’ spot was to...

swimming theory

swimming theory

lou elliot | swimming theory ita / …nessuno le ha mai insegnato a nuotare. …eppure, poche manifestazioni fisiche sono così meravigliosamente eleganti come il lento moto di una goccia che fa ritorno a casa.   eng / …no one has ever...

Vhils for Orelha Negra

Alexander Farto aka Vhils è un artista di Londra che ha sviluppato un metodo esplosivo per la sua superba arte. Questo è un video musicale di “Miriam”, su una canzone di Orelha Negra che mostra la sua opera in slow-motion per arrivare sul finale ad  grande risultato. Alexander Farto aka Vhils is a London-based artist who has developed a method with explosive for his superb...

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