Casino | Damián Ortega

Casino | Damián Ortega

We’ve just got back from visiting Damián Ortega‘s first solo exhibition, Casino, at Milan’s HangarBicocca. This contemporary artist’s work uses everyday objects to create sculptural masterpieces and amazing installations, as well as performances and films, and this exhibition shows the various ways...

Tentsile Hanging Tents

Tentsile Hanging Tents

Tentsile offers the beneficial comfort of a hammock with the accommodation capacity of a multi-person tent. By utilising a three dimensional tensile force, the most stable and versatile lightweight accommodation is achieved. Due to the nature of tentsile’s inverted pyramid...

Under the Water

Under the Water

Tadashi Kawamata Under the Water 2011 In situ installation Elements of wood furniture View of the exhibition “Under the Water”, kamel mennour, Paris, 2011 © Tadashi Kawamata Photo. Fabrice Seixas Courtesy the artist and kamel mennour, Paris TADASHI KAWAMATA : UNDER THE...

Hammock tent

Hammock tent

This is the tented hammock that’s impervious to mosquitoes. The hammock has a fine mesh canopy that provides complete coverage from bugs and other outdoor pests. The netting allows breezes to pass through and is tented with a 4′ clearance...

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